We Provide
Full-Service, Quality Web Design
in Battle Creek for businesses
big and small

Offering programming, graphic design, copywriting, and more, Blue Fire Battle Creek provides everything your company needs for online success.

The team at Blue Fire Media Battle Creek provides full website design services for companies that wish to improve their online presence in an effective way. With responsive programming that allows a site to be viewed on any device, Blue Fire Media makes companies more accessible to their customers in an effective way. Through quality graphics and text, your site will help strengthen your company’s brand by letting your customers know who you are, what you stand for, and, most importantly, what you can provide for them. Whatever web services you need, Blue Fire Media is here for you.


Web Design

Functional, fast, and fit to perform how you need it, our web design in Battle Creek is the best resource for your business to get online the right way. From desktop to mobile device, your website will be ready to bring in more visitors and help you grow your business. Capable of building a site completely from the ground up, our programmers make each site function exactly how they need to for our clients’ unique needs.

Search Engine Optimization

When you need more traffic brought to your website, search engine optimization with Blue Fire Media Battle Creek can help you get found by your target audience more easily. Through the search of simple keywords, your customers will better find your business, bringing more people to your site, and, therefore, more business. From initial setup of SEO for your site to ongoing services, Blue Fire Media Battle Creek is here to help.

Graphic Design

When you need your customers to know about your products, services, events, and more, Blue Fire Media Battle Creek can provide effective graphic design to ensure that your information is seen in an eye-catching way. Our graphic designers not only work on sites, but also have the capabilities to create graphics for marketing materials that allow you to show off your business or products in a way that will bring in customers.


With hundreds of satisfied clients under our belt, Blue Fire Media Battle Creek maintains its reputation as the premier provider of eye-catching websites for businesses of all kinds. Check out our portfolio to see some of our past work.

Branch Gymnastics
National Sign and Signal
CSE Morse


Make your ideas a reality by reaching out today.

Let’s Create Something


Call Us At (269) 962-1800